About RIST

About RIST
About RIST

RIST at a Glance

  • Founding


    RIST's predecessor, the Institute for General Research, was established in 1981. Our history and track record extend over more than 40 years.

  • RIST Today

    • Research


    • Joint Usage /
      Research Center


    • Research


    • Research


    • The Open
      Innovation Projects


    As of August 2024

  • Areas of RIST

    5 areas

    • Information and Societal

    • Fundamentals

    • Functional Materials

    • Structural Materials

    • Bio and Pharmacy

  • Members

    Approx. 500 people

    A total of approximately 500 people, including faculty and visiting staff, are involved in work at RIST.

    As of April 2024

  • Symposiums, Seminars, etc.

    120 /year

    The results of research at RIST is presented in a variety of ways, including conferences, study groups, seminars, lectures, and symposiums.

    AY 2023 results

  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

    RIST is working on tackling the SDGs.

    Please see individual department pages for more details on our initiatives.


Message from RIST Director

Dr. Hiroshi NISHIHARA DirectorResearch Institute for Science and Technology Tokyo University of Science
Research Institute for Science and Technology Tokyo University of Science

By taking advantage of appealing research environments that are rich in vitality and unity, we aim to foster highly creative, diverse human resources who will lead the next generation of society, and to become an international hub for interdisciplinary research.

The Research Institute for Science and Technology (RIST) is a cross-disciplinary research organization within the Organization for Research Advancement that was established in 2015 as a general research institution. Its forerunner, the Institute for General Research, was established in 1981. Education, research, and social contributions, the three pillars of Tokyo University of Science (TUS), are synergistically related, and the many cutting-edge integrated research projects conducted at RIST play a major role in training students to take a broad perspective and create social value.

As of September 2024, five Research Centers, one Joint Usage/Research Center, two Research Hubs, 18 Research Divisions, and one Open Innovation Project are active at RIST. In all our activities, in addition to actively pursuing basic science in various academic fields, we promote close cooperation between disciplines and conduct innovative research by removing bureaucratic barriers both inside and outside the university. We began promoting research focused on environmental and energy issues even before the United Nations established its SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) in 2015.

The four research centers, two research hubs, and one co-creation project that were launched in or after FY2021 and are currently active are outlined as follows.

The Water Frontier Research Center is the successor to the Water Frontier Science & Technology Research Center (WFST), which was established under a Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology branding project in 2016 and launched in 2021. It was established as a research center to promote cutting-edge research related to “water interfaces,” the behavior of water on material surfaces, and to provide comprehensive services for cooperatively finding solutions to problems faced by industry.

The Space System Creation Research Center was established in 2021 from a reorganization of the Photocatalyst International Research Center (established in 2013) and the Space Colony Research Center (established in 2017). It has been building and expanding a human resource base consisting of next-generation space scientists and engineers capable of operating at the international level, and it has been developing technologies required for space habitation involving water, air, food, energy, and so on to create a virtuous cycle between earth and space with a focus on photocatalysis. It also conducts research and development on technologies necessary for humans to stay in extreme enclosed environments for prolonged periods, and it has been developing integrated systems that encompass the science and technologies necessary for creating future space planes as well as the legislation that governs commercial space transportation. For two years starting from 2022, the Research Center for Near-Future City Function by Terrestrial-Space Dual Development operated as an educational project (in the field of co-creation) under the Program on Open Innovation Platforms for Industry-Academia Co-creation (COI-NEXT) run by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).

The Research Center for Drug Discovery and Applied Sciences was established in 2023 to carry on the Chemical Biology Division Supported by Practical Organic Synthesis, which had been active until 2022, through collaboration with researchers in the field of molecular biology. The goal of this Center is to create drugs by carrying out drug discovery research on new substances developed by TUS using our proprietary organic synthesis technology.

The Nucleic Acid Drug Discovery Center was launched in 2024 based on the research results of the Division of Nucleic Acid Drug Development, which was active until 2023. With a view to commercializing nucleic acid drugs, the center aims to create nucleic acid drugs for new target diseases through the establishment of new methods for synthesizing chemically modified nucleic acids, the development of artificial molecules that stabilize nucleic acid drugs, and the establishment of DDS and formulation methods.

One of the research hubs, the Carbon Value Research Center was developed in January 2022 with the aim of utilizing the science and technology of the university’s faculty to develop essential chemical science and technology, such as artificial photosynthesis, that will contribute to carbon neutrality, through collaboration and joint research with external organizations. The Center is developing carbon value science and technology by pursuing the science and technology of green hydrogen production and the synthesis of useful materials utilizing carbon dioxide as a source of carbon.

The other research hub, the Research Center for Multi-Hazard Urban Disaster Prevention was launched in August 2023. The Center will create and implement a new science of urban disaster management that addresses multi-hazards in which hazard chains occur across time and space causing an increase in damage, through strong collaboration of disaster management researchers on various hazards and data science researchers. Through this Center, we aim to build a safe and security society in which no one is left behind in a sustainable and diversity-conscious manner.

With our Open Innovation Projects, we aim to contribute to the creation of new value by disseminating, both inside and outside the university, the results and findings of joint research involving both university faculty and companies. These research activities, which could be described as “knowledge co-creation”, are expected to produce solid research results in line with the medium-term R&D strategies of corporations and other participants. In 2022, a new Open Innovation Project, the Research & Development Platform of Functional Green Building Materials, was launched in collaboration with Shimizu Corporation. This project promotes research and development aimed at the social implementation of environmentally friendly architecture.

Through collaboration on research across Research Centers, Research Hubs, and Research Divisions, RIST aims to enhance the fluidity and mobility of faculty personnel. By taking advantage of appealing research environments that are rich in vitality and unity, we aim to foster highly creative, diverse human resources who will lead the next generation of society, and to become an international hub for interdisciplinary research. We will also create new academic trends and produce transparent research results in a way that is unique to TUS.

Organization Chart




  1. January 21, 1981
    General Research Institute established.
    Four divisions: Solid State Physics, Interface Science, Fire Science, and Remote Sensing
    Keijiro TAKAGI (1981-1982)
  2. 1982
    Fracture Mechanics Division established, five divisions in total
    Takakazu MARUYASU (1982-1985)
  3. 1983
    Biosystems Division established, six divisions in total
  4. 1987
    Life Science Division established, seven divisions in total
    Teiji TSURUTA (1985-1990)
  5. 1988
    • Solid State Physics Division and Fracture Mechanics Division dissolved
    • Biosystems Division renamed Intelligent Research Division
    • Computational Mechanics Division and High-Temperature Superconductivity Division established
  6. 1989
    The Research Institute for Biological Sciences founded
  7. 1990
    Static Electricity Division established, eight divisions in total Research space secured in the Noda area
    Teruaki MUKAIYAMA (1990-2001)
  8. 1994
    Marine Biological Research Facility established as an affiliated research facility
  9. 1996
    Organization for Information Science Education and Research established
  10. 1997
    Center for Synthesis and Analysis of New High-Performance Materials established as an affiliated research facility


  1. April 2003
    DDS Division adopted as a project to promote the advancement of academic research
    Tadahiro ISHII (2001-2004)
  2. July 2003
    Fire Science Division selected for the 21st Century COE Program
  3. March 2004
    Report on the “Ideal Form of Research Institutes, etc., at the Tokyo University of Science”
    Yoshimasa NIHEI (2004-2007)
  4. April 2005
    Proposal for establishment of Tokyo University of Science General Research Institution
    (Final Report of the Future Plan for the Tokyo University of Science Institute for General Research)
  5. November 1, 2005
    General Research Institution established — 10 centers, 5 research divisions
  6. May 2006
    125th anniversary of the founding of Tokyo University of Science
  7. October 2006
    Research and Technology Division Research Equipment Center established
  8. November 2006
    Forum “Science-Hito-21” held to commemorate the establishment of the General Research Institution
  9. April 2007
    Free-Electron Laser Research Centeradopted as a project for developing innovations for shared use of advanced research facilities
    Hidetoshi FUKUYAMA (2007-2016)
  10. November 2007
    2nd General Research Institution Forum “Dental Regenerative Medicine and Enhancement of Human Movement to Support Daily Life” held
  11. June 2008
    Center for Fire Science and Technology selected for the Global COE Program
  12. October 2008
    3rd General Research Institution Forum “From Manufacturing to the Environment — Creative Interdisciplinary Collaboration” held
    First publication of “Current Situation and Challenges”
  13. July 2009
    The Center for Fire Science and Technology becomes the first private university facility in the science field to be recognized as a joint usage/research center
  14. August 2009
    First issue of the “RIST” newsletter


  1. April 2010
    Introduction of “Areas”
    Graduate School of Global Fire Science and Technology established through the Global COE Program of the Center for Fire Science and Technology
  2. April 2013
    Establishment of Photocatalysis International Research Center under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's “Support Program for Establishment of Innovation Centers”
  3. April 2014
    Research Strategy — Establishment of the University Research Administration Center (URA Center)
  4. May 29, 2014
    Integrated Research Building opening ceremony held
  5. April 2015
    Reorganization into the Organization for Research Advancement Research Institute of Science & Technology (RIST)
    Photocatalytic Research Center approved as a joint usage/research center
  6. November 2015
    10th RIST Forum “Toward 'Only at TUS'” held
  7. April 2016
    Establishment of Research Advisory Board at RIST
    Makoto ASASHIMA (2016-2018)
  8. November 2016
    Selected by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for the “FY 2016 Private University Branding Project”
    Water Frontier Science & Technology Research Center established
  9. June 2017
    Kao Human Life Science Research Division Sponsored by Kao Corporation established
  10. April 2018
    The Center for Fire Science and Technology becomes the Center for Fire Science and Technology, a center with no fixed term of establishment
    Hideaki TAKAYANAGI (2018-2021)
  11. December 2018
    First RIST Academy held


  1. January 17, 2020
    Collaboration agreement signed with Tohoku University's Research Alliance Center for Mathematical Sciences
  2. February 1, 2021
    Tokyo University of Science becomes the first university in Japan to be designated as a “Designated Performance Evaluation Organization”
    Performance evaluation work begins at the Center for Fire Science and Technology
  3. April 1, 2021
    Water Frontier Research Center and Research Center for Space System Innovation (SSI) research centers established
  4. April 1, 2021
    Open innovation project established
    Kao “Kirei” Future open innovation project established
  5. January 1, 2022
    Carbon Value Research Center established as a strategic priority research field
    Hiroshi NISHIHARA (2022- )
  6. April 1, 2022
    3 research centers, 1 joint usage/research center, 1 research hub, 22 research divisions, 1 open innovation project
  7. June 1, 2022
    Research & Development Platform of Functional Green Building Materials open innovation project established
  8. April 1, 2023
    4 research centers, 1 joint usage/research center, 1 research hub, 19 research divisions, 1 open innovation project
  9. April 1, 2023
    Research Center for Drug Discovery and Applied Sciences established
  10. August 1, 2023
    Research Center for Multi-hazard Urban Disaster Prevention established as a strategic priority research field



Keijiro TAKAGI (1981-1982)
Takakazu MARUYASU (1982-1985)
Teiji TSURUTA (1985-1990)
Teruaki MUKAIYAMA (1990-2001)
Tadahiro ISHII (2001-2004)
Yoshimasa NIHEI (2004-2007)
Hidetoshi FUKUYAMA (2007-2016)
Makoto ASASHIMA (2016-2018)
Hideaki TAKAYANAGI (2018-2021)
Hiroshi NISHIHARA (2022- )


Inquiries regarding RIST

Research Support Section, Research Strategy and Licensing Section, Tokyo University of Science

Please click here for consultations, questions, inquiries, interview requests, etc. Inquiry Form

2641 Yamazaki, Noda-shi, Chiba-ken, 278-8510, Japan
Tel: 04-7122-9151
Fax: 04-7123-9763

Campuses & Access

Chiba/Noda Campus

2641 Yamazaki, Noda-shi, Chiba-ken, 278-8510, Japan

■ Located 5 minutes' walk from Unga Station, accessible via TOBU URBAN PARK Line

Tokyo/Kagurazaka Campus

1-3 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8601, Japan

■ Located 5 minutes' walk from Iidabashi Station, accessible via the JR Sobu Line, the Tokyo Metro Yurakucho, Tozai, and Namboku Lines, and the Oedo Line.

Tokyo/Katsushika Campus

6-3-1 Niijuku, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo 125-8585, Japan

■ Located an 8 minutes' walk from Kanamachi Station, accessible via the JR Joban Line (local service), which goes through to the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line and Keisei Kanamachi Line.

Hokkaido/Oshamambe Campus

102-1 Tomino, Oshamambe-cho, Yamakoshi-gun, Hokkaido 049-3514, Japan

■ Located a 15-minute walk or 5-minute drive from Oshamambe Station, accessible via the JR Hakodate Line.