Introduction of each center/hub/department

Research Divisions

Division of Smart Healthcare Engineering



Takahiko YAMAMOTOAssociate Professor

Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology


This division conducts basic and interdisciplinary research on basic technologies and cross-disciplinary related to biometric sensing for health diagnosis to telemedicine, and high-quality, secure wireless communication, with the aim of supporting a smart, healthy, and longevity society in which people can lead healthy and high quality of life.

Research Content

Creation of a Smart, Healthy, and Long-Lived Society that Supports People’s Daily Life with High Quality of Life


This division aims to conduct interdisciplinary research that contributes to the creation of a smart, healthy, and longevity society by researchers in a wide range of fields, including physiology, materials engineering, metabolism, integrated circuit engineering, radio frequency systems, and wireless communication engineering.

Future Development Goals

We are promoting active interactions among division members covering a wide range of specific fields, to emphasize joint research within and outside TUS, and to encourage young researchers.



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Name Job Title Affiliation
Takahiko YAMAMOTO  Director・Associate Professor Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology
Shigeo AKASHI Professor Department of Information Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology
Kenichi HIGUCHI Professor Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology
Akira HYOGO  Professor Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology
Shinya YANAGITA Professor Institute of Arts and Sciences, Noda Division, Institute of Arts and Sciences
Akiyoshi SAITOH    Professor Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Masakazu UMEZAWA  Associate Professor Department of Medical and Robotic Engineering Design, Faculty of Advanced Engineering
Daisuke YAMADA Junior Associate Professor Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Ryoichi MIYAUCHI  Junior Associate Professor Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology
Takanori HARA  Assistant Professor Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology
Yuka NOZAKI  Assistant Professor Department of Medicinal and Life Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences 

Research Summary

Creation of a Smart, Healthy, and Long-Lived Society that Supports People’s Daily Life with High Quality of Life

The stresses that people may experience in their daily lives in society, even if they seem small and insignificant, increase the risk of various diseases. Research is needed to create a society in which people can live healthy daily lives with a high quality of life, even when their physiological functions are impaired or lost due to disease. This division advocates the value of smart healthcare systems that support to realize such a society and conducts research on the development of elemental technologies and their effective integrations.

Research Structure and Members of this Division

This division is divided into four major groups, and some of their research activities are presented below.

Sensing Group

・ Elucidation of the mechanisms of health promotion and longevity through
physical activity

Based on exercise physiology, behavioral physiology, material science, and metabolism, this group uses non-contact methods to quantify the amount of physical activity using animal models and explore the optimal amount of physical activity for physical and mental health in order to elucidate the mechanisms of health promotion and longevity from daily physical activity.

・ Analysis of nanoscale materials derived from skeletal muscle/fat tissue on
physical function and mental health.

Quantitative visualization of various mental and physical functions in humans is being attempted. In particular, Yanagita, Umezawa, and Kobayashi in our members have collaborated on a health promotion/longevity mechanism through exercise that is opened up by brain-organ communication, and are currently working on a research project to reveal the mechanism of brainperipheral organ communication associated with changes in the amount of physical activity. The physicochemical and biological properties of nanoscale structures produced and released by muscle and fat cells in response to environmental stimuli are also being studied to visualize brain-organ communication.

Device Operation and Control Group

・ Transcutaneous energy transmission for body-implanted electronic devices
Transcutaneous energy transmission and information transmission systems for medical electronic devices implanted inside the body are studied. This system completely reduces the risk of infection when supplying the driving energy essential for device operation. and achieves miniaturization and weight reduction through battery-free operation (Figure 1).

Fig.1 Wireless power transmission to an implantable momentum meter

・ Development of an electromagnetic phantom
When conducting wireless power or information transmission between inside and outside living organisms, it is essential to investigate the effects of the presence of living bodies on the operation of the equipment and the electromagnetic radiation from the equipment to ensure stable operation of the equipment. By using materials that mimic the electromagnetic properties of living bodies, these studies can be performed without animal experiments. In this research, we are developing various types of simulated living organisms.

Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing Group

The Transmission Group and the Information and Communication Group conduct research on high-frequency and high-speed signal processing circuits, low-voltage and low-power circuits, and their miniaturization, which are essential for hardware implementation. We develop high-performance amplifiers (low noise, high input impedance), analog-to-digital conversion circuits (ADC), and digital-to-analog conversion circuits (DAC) with high resolution and low power consumption, which are essential for measuring minute bioelectric potentials. In addition, as sensing devices become increasingly popular, we are analyzing device variation and studying variation-resistant circuits to realize robust circuits that are low-cost and highly resistant to variation.

Information and Communication Group

・ Small antennas installed near living bodies
We are researching and developing compact, high-gain biometric antennas that can be used near living bodies and are not easily affected by them.

・ Low power, high quality and secure wireless communication
This group is researching communication methods that achieve high speed, large capacity, high quality/low latency, multiple simultaneous connections, and low power consumption without degrading transmission quality. These are envisioned for transmitting biometric and other information measured by the sensing group to medical facilities using wireless communications. In addition, research will be conducted to promote the safe and secure use of radio waves by protecting information and communications from unauthorized access and malicious attacks.