
D7,5001,20043610C6,5001,20042712B4,1001,30040911A3,7001,30040812PlanningBasic designDetailed designExecution(1) Estimate preparationAutomatic one-click conversion(2) Automatic conversionShimizu estimate systemOperationDemolition(3) Outputting different formatsGORLEM CO₂The system is capable of outputting data in formats that are compatible with different methods.Resource conservationConserving materials and streamlining High insulationResource recyclingCircular economystructural engineering methodsDeveloping surface finishing to ensure freedom of designtechniques Embodying energy-saving exterior materialsUsing exterior materials that contribute to energy conservationby reducing the energy required for heating and cooling during the operational stageProactively utilizing recycledaluminum and steelEnsuring high durabilityReducing deterioration and of aging through structural controlling the effectsengineering methodsEncouraging the use of woodMaking improvements that encourage the utilization of woodLonger service lifeWood utilizationEmbodied carbon is derived at the basic design stage through the use of an automated platform (belonging to Shimizu Corporation) for calculating CO₂ emissions associated with construction and production.Total floor area (m²)CO₂ emissions (kg-CO₂ / m²)Building frame (%)Exterior materials (%)Interior materials (%)structural engineering methodsDeveloping surface finishing to ensure freedom of designtechniques Embodying energy-saving exterior materialsUsing exterior materials that contribute to energy conservationby reducing the energy required for heating and cooling during the operational stageProactively utilizing recycledaluminum and steelImproving the performance of 下地材や断熱材の性能向上へfoundation materials and insulation materialsUsing interior materials that contribute to energy conservation運用段階の冷暖房電力を削減by reducing the energy required for 省エネに寄与する内装へheating and cooling during the operational stageOtherBuilding frame: 40‒46Interior/exterior materials: 16‒23Ensuring high durabilityReducing deterioration and of aging through structural controlling the effectsengineering methodsImproving the performance of 下地材や断熱材の性能向上へfoundation materials and Encouraging the use of woodinsulation materialsMaking improvements that encourage the utilization of Using interior materials that contribute to energy conservation運用段階の冷暖房電力を削減by reducing the energy required for 省エネに寄与する内装へheating and cooling during the woodoperational stage32Future Development GoalsOur goal is to achieve the societal implementation of environmentally conscious architecture by developing a system to assess and visualize the life cycle CO₂ emissions of non-structural components, considering their lifespan. Additionally, we promote research and development of high-performance materials and construction methods that reduce CO₂ emissions during manufacturing and construction.We will achieve the design and construction methods with innovative functional building materials based on new concepts while taking advantage of the industry-academia collaboration and science-engineering partnership, toward the ultimate goal of environmentally conscious architecture.ObjectivesEstablished: June, 2022   manabu@rs.tus.ac.jpItems16,0001,10046412Resource conservationConserving materials and streamlining High insulationResource recyclingCircular economyWood utilizationウッド・ファーストEncouraging the use of wood木材活用高断熱化High insulationEF19,0001,400421211Longer service lifeWood utilizationウッド・ファーストEncouraging the use of woodWood utilization木材活用高断熱化High insulationBackgroundandPurposeoftheProjectTowardsAchievingEnvironmentallyFriendlyArchitecturethroughReductionofEnvironmentalImpactinNon-StructuralComponentsContributionofthisProjectWhat is Environmentally conscious architecture, and how should it be designed and constructed? What materials and construction methods contribute to that realization? Our goal is to create and enhance the academic research field that bridges cutting-edge and fundamental research areas with practical application areas, bringing together Tokyo University of Science's scientific and engineering expertise and Shimizu Corporation's practical and operational capabilities towards achieving the design and construction methods required to realize truly environmentally conscious buildings.DirectorProfessorDepartment of ArchitectureFaculty of Science and TechnologyPh.D As efforts towards decarbonization spread throughout society, the role served by the construction sector, which forms the foundation of people's activities and lives, is immensely significant. It is essential to conduct a comprehensive examination that combines the academic foundation required for achieving highly advanced environmentally friendly architecture with the practical capability to implement these concepts in the real world. Given the significant advancements in energy conservation, renewable energy, and CO₂ reduction during the operational phase of buildings, the proportion of environmental impact generated during material procurement, production, and construction processes is relatively increasing throughout the entire building lifecycle. In particular, nonstructural components, which produce about 20% of the "Embodied Carbon" emissions during the construction phase, play an important role in controlling the diverse performance and functionality of spaces. On the other hand, while there are a vast number of combinations of materials and construction methods, and there have been many individual studies on it and social implementations from the perspective of environmental considerations, efforts to optimize the environmental impact, performance, and functionality of entire buildings have not been sufficient. This project aims to establish practical design and construction methods that minimize environmental impacts throughout the entire lifecycle, by developing the evaluation methods for environmentally friendly architecture. Our fusion research project will serve as a platform for the development of new functional building materials that bridge advanced foundational research and practical applications, with the goal of creating new research fields. In the pursuit of reducing environmental impacts associated with non-structural components, a comprehensive assessment considering both Embodied Carbon and operational carbon emissions during the operational phase is necessary to evaluate the entire lifecycle CO₂ emissions of buildings, known as "Whole Life Carbon." However, the evaluation methodology for Whole Life Carbon has not been definitively established. Moreover, it's essential to take into account the impacts of variations in material production processes, the use of recycled materials, and other practical initiatives. However, when compared to structural materials, the inadequate progress in establishing a comprehensive database for non-structural materials, which is crucial for accurately calculating Embodied Carbon, is also a noteworthy concern. Therefore, this project will advance research and development through the establishment of the following working groups for "Investigation of Environmentally Friendly Architecture Strategies," which aims to construct evaluation and optimization methodologies for the design and construction of environmentally friendly architecture, as well as "Research and Development of Environmentally Friendly Construction Methods," which involves the implementation of specific material and construction method developments.i)Investigation of Environmentally Friendly Architecture Strategiesii)Research and Development of Environmentally Friendly Construction Methods In the WG0, we aim to construct a system that assesses and visualizes CO₂emissions of non-structural materials at each life stage. Additionally, we will promote research and development of materials and methods that achieve a high level of environmental performance and functionality for exterior materials WG0: CO₂ Reduction StrategyWG1: Exterior Materials / WG2: Interior Materials / WG3: Opening Components / WG4: Substrate Materials(WG1), interior materials (WG2), opening components (WG3), and substrate materials (WG4), which have a significant impact on Whole Life Carbon. By promoting this industry-academia collaboration project as a comprehensive project based on open innovation, the project’s two collaborators intend to create pioneering examples in a wide range of boundary regions and lead the way in environmental conservation efforts within the construction industry. The realization of this initiatives is expected to result in the following contributions to the societal issue: Establishment of an ecologically congruous society via the formulation of methodologies underpinning design and construction facets of environmentally mindful architecture. Pioneering the development and real-world assimilation of novel material technologies and construction methodologies that underpin environmentally conscious architectural endeavors. The crystallization of an integrated framework that fosters both foundational research and societal deployment, culminating in the creation and implementation of pioneering environmentally conscious technological paradigms. Nurturing a cadre of adept professionals pivotal to the realization of environmentally conscious architectural endeavors.Examples of life cycle CO₂ calculation results (six office building examples) are based on the “LCA Guidelines for Buildings” published by the Architectural Institute of JapanInterior and exterior materials (non-structural components) play a functional role in determining the direct performance of buildings, and their share of CO₂ emissions cannot be ignored.Examples of efforts aimed at achieving environmentally friendly construction木材の積極利用へActively using wood木材の積極利用へActively using woodManabu KANEMATSUdevelopment of high-performance materials and design-construction methods contributing to Toward the realization of environmentally conscious architecture through research and CO₂ emission reductionResearch & Development Platform of Functional Green Building Materials

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