
30●Announcement of the theme●Application period●Notification of acceptance●Conducting collaborative research●Briefing report of achievementalgorithm of radiant heat flux from large scale facade fire◦ Measures for controlling fire propagation at the surface of wooden linings◦ An investigation of the measurement methods of lateral flame spread rate over wall lining materials◦ FT-IR/Thermal Decomposition Analysis of Surface Combustion Characteristics in Flame Retardant Cross-Laminated Timber with Intumescent Nano-Clay Composites◦ An Experimental Study on Fire Prevention Effect with High Viscosity Liquid on A Wood Boardfire riskFurnace, or Multiple Full-scale FurnaceEstablished: July, 2009  kasaianzen-ml@tusml.tus.ac.jp:early February:February to mid-March:March to April:April to next March:by next AprilOpenCallScheduleReferenceResearchThemeThe Research Theme Selection Committee This committee makes judgment on acceptance or rejection of applications received. Judgment will be made considering whether the research objective is defined clearly, the plan and the methodology are appropriate, proposed budget is reasonable, and whether the research outcome has potential for further development.Facilities and Equipment Control Committee (WG) This committee (WG) is primarily involved in the operation planning of the full-scale experimental facilities. It is also responsible for the maintenance of facilities and equipment installed in the institution. In addition, it gives users instruction on how to use these facilities and equipment and on safety control.The Research Theme Planning Committee (WG) This committee (WG) draws out research themes and projects that are appropriate for the collaborative use or research and that serve the purpose of the Center and fulfill a social need.The Assessment Committee This committee functions as an assessing body of the Center by providing interim and ex-post evaluation on the progress and outcome of research projects.Research Center for Fire Safety ScienceResearch Institute for Science and TechnologyCenter for Fire Science and TechnologyThe Research Center forFire Safety Science CommitteeThe Research Theme Selection CommitteeFacilities and Equipment Control Committee (WG)The Research Theme Planning Committee (WG)The AssessmentCommittee The Center invites and accepts research plans from public basically once a year research activities of the selected plans start at the beginning of each academic year. However, research of urgency may be accepted at any point of an academic year as needed. The rough schedule of the application is as follows:[General Category, A~F]A. Fundamental research on building fire safety (Examples from the past)◦ An experimental study on measurement method and estimation B. Fundamental research on material combustion scienceC. Fundamental research on fire safety and disaster preventionD. Fundamental research on large-scale fireE. Research on technology and measures pertaining to fire safetyF. R & D issues that can be expected for technological innovation to reduce [Emphasis Category, G] (※)G. Experimental Research on Building Structural Fire Resistance(※) Large-scale experimental challenge to use Structural Fire Resistance ManagementStructureandAssessmentProcedure The Research Center for Fire Safety Science Committee “(the Committee”), playing the central role in the Center, consists of a chairperson and 10 members (5 from inside and 5 from outside of TUS). The Committee is the supreme decision-making body of the Center that develops a research and operation policy, formulates a management policy (including budget drafting), and plans research projects such as deciding a theme to call for entries. Aiming to support smooth operation of the Center, the Research Theme Selection Committee and two special committees (called Working Groups or WG) are placed under the Committee. The Research Theme Selection Committee and two special committees function as follows respectively:(Management Structure)

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