Research Center for Drug Discovery and Applied SciencesDivision of Nucleic Acid Drug DevelopmentDivision of Synthetic BiologyDivision of Biological Environment InnovationDevelopment of superior cell and DDS for regenerative medicineDivision of Composite Materials EngineeringDivision of Implementation of sustainable technology in societyResearch CentersThese are research organizations that obtain the research funding needed for their activities from the national government, from local governments, and from industry and other sources, and that carry out initiatives that are strategically important for their research.Joint Usage / Research CenterA nationally selected organization for joint use / joint research open to public and funded partially by MEXT.Research DivisionsThese are core research organizations comprised of researchers selected from within TUS and from outside the TUS in order to provide a synergistic effect. They develop interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary“Only at TUS”research activities.Center for Fire Science and TechnologyResearch Center for Fire Safety ScienceResearch Center for Space System Research Center for Multi-Hazard Urban Research Division for Advanced Disaster Statistical Science Research DivisionParallel Brain Interaction Sensing divisionDivision of Digital TransformationMedical Data ScienceDivision of Smart Healthcare EngineeringResearch & Development Platform of Research Alliance for Mathematical Division of Nano-quantum Information Modern Algebra and Cooperation The Open Innovation ProjectsThese are research organizations that promote the co-creation of new value with the aim of contributing to society through both TUS and corporations.Building a better future with Building a better future with
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